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Básicos especialmente diseñados para profesionales de la pastelería. Puedes elegir entre diferentes tamaños y colores, y luego personalizarlos con una temática. Por ejemplo, si eliges el color rojo, puedes decorarlo con motivos de Cars; si optas por el amarillo, puedes hacerlo con motivos de los Simpsons; o si prefieres el azul, puedes inspirarte en la Sirenita, ¡las posibilidades son infinitas!



Basics specially designed for pastry professionals. You can choose from different sizes and colors, and then customize them with a theme. For example, if you choose red, you can decorate it with Cars motifs; if you opt for yellow, you can go for Simpsons themes; or if you prefer blue, you can be inspired by the Little Mermaid – the possibilities are endless!

You can also simply add a cake topper and candles to have a beautiful birthday cake ready to display. The great advantage of these basics is that they do not expire, do not attract or create insects, and are mold-free.

Decorative and perfect at a professional level (film, theater, visual merchandising, photography, advertising, decoration in restaurants, cafes, etc.). Handmade with high-quality materials.

Does not include any edible elements.

*Note: We recommend removing dust with an air cannon (a cold air dryer would suffice). Do not use wet cloths or water, only air.

Please note that colors may vary slightly due to different screen settings.


PriceFrom €48.00
  • Sizes and colors to choose from. The basics come with a 3mm thick white base and are 5 cm larger in diameter than the dummy.

    Handcrafted. Does not contain edible elements.

Dear customers,

To ensure excellence in our Fake Cakes, we kindly recommend that you place your orders well in advance. The material we use requires sufficient drying time to achieve impeccable results. Your patience will be rewarded with a masterpiece of realistic appearance! We appreciate your understanding and are eager to fulfill your sweetest desires.

Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a unique and tempting experience!

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Can't find what you're looking for in the store? Don't worry! Let's create the perfect fake cake for your gift or project!


TELF | +34 607 26 91 85

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